According to many experts, WiFi is the most sought-after amenity in vacation properties. Cheap access to the internet will be the reason some guests will favor one property over another. Therefore, many Airbnb providers make an effort to provide guest WiFi.
However, with the internet comes security concerns that you may not have considered. If your guests’ online security is compromised when they’re using your internet connection, things could get complicated for you. Read More»
Business suppliers provide all of your office needs. From copier paper to binder clips and pens, from chairs to desks, and from computers to phones, these are the people that provide everything your company needs to keep going and functioning all day, every day. That said, you should treat your business suppliers more like employees, and less like business partners. Here is why, and how.
Personal Assistants, Office “Go-fers,” and Business Suppliers Read More»
A good Point of Sale (POS) system is absolutely essential for any successful restaurant. The POS system allows servers to input the orders for the customers that they are waiting on. The food entries are then sent back to the kitchen so they can cook up each dish and get them back out to satisfy the patrons. Traditional POS systems are very hands-off for the diner, with only authorized personnel being trained to use the ordering devices. Read More»
Did you apply for a telecommuting position where you would get to work in your home instead of dealing with a lengthy commute or working the same hours all the time? The job you applied for may provide the flexibility you wanted and needed while allowing you to earn money without even leaving home. If you have been hired for the job but this is your first time having an online position, you should be prepared to have a few important things before you officially start the job. Read More»
Your home is your safe place. However, if you don’t take the necessary precautions to ensure it is a place where you and your family feel safe, it could compromise the overall security that you and your family feel. Burglaries occur often in the United States. To help reduce the likelihood that your home is burglarized, here are a few tips to help improve the security of your home and put your mind at ease. Read More»